List for Android Cat Sitter
by Marge Simon
Open back door.
Let children out.
Hum “Good Morning To You” softly.
Carry Fluffy into the dining room
with food.
Close door.
Let Pepper out.
Do not speak.
Carry Pepper into the kitchen
with food.
Close door.
Let Fluffy out.
Make ambient sounds.
Carry Fluffy into the living room
with food.
Close door.
Sing lullaby.
Carry Pepper to attic.
Carry Fluffy to basement.
Close both doors.
Open front door.
Let children in.
Marge Ballif Simon freelances as a writerpoetillustrator for genre and mainstream publications such as Strange Horizons, Flashquake, Sniplits, Vestal Review, Flash Me Magazine, The Pedestal Magazine, Dreams & Nightmares. She edits a column for the HWA Newsletter, "Blood & Spades: Poets of the Dark Side." She is the editor of Star*Line, Digest of the SF Poetry Association. In addition to her poetry, she has published two prose collections: _Christina's World_, Sam's Dot Publications, 2008 and Like Birds in the Rain, Sam's Dot, 2007. She won the Bram Stoker for Best Poetry Collection with Charlie Jacob, Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press, 2008. A new collection, Unearthly Delights (self illustrated in color) is forthcoming from Sam's Dot Publications, 2010. Her Website.
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